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February 18, 2025

Supplements to Support Fertility

Supplements are a great way to optimize and support areas that might be deficient in nutrients.

When the body is lacking or deficient in nutrients, supplements are a great way to help support and balance your needs.  There are supplements that can be beneficial during the different stages of your fertility journey…from readying the body for conception (both with intervention and naturally) to growing new life to post birth.  Here are two we think are helpful:


Methyl folate -improves fertility and may prevent neural tube defects.  In pregnant women it may help reduce risk of congenital spine and brain disabilities.


Krill Oil- the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is helpful for male fertility issues such as low sperm count and immotility.  Taking a krill oil supplement may lower LH (luteinizing hormone), increase sperm count, and improve semen volume.


Call (614) 319- 3354 to see which of our services will assist you in reclaiming your health or to schedule a FREE assessment for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

*Disclaimer: Information provided is of a general nature only and is for educational purposes.  We recommend that you consult with your physician before adding supplements to your daily routine.  Consumption of supplements is at your own risk. *

**If supplements are purchased through these links we may receive a small commission**

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